Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dig In!

This is the day we have been waiting for these many months of planning, working, and
dreaming. Most of the morning was taken up with careful measuring, marking with     
orange paint. and pounding in numerous stakes. About 11AM the first scoop of dirt     
was removed (see below). We were afraid that much of dirt would be fill, brought in   
from other excavations, but instead only the top one-foot was fill and the rest was        
virgin soil of hard-packed sand and clay. The digging will continue tomorrow. 
The first dirt is dug!

Things are starting to take shape.

Living dangerously!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

House Plans

Here's a sneak peek at our house plans. Enjoy!
Front Elevation

Main Floor Plan

Basement Floor Plan

Welcome to The House on Handley

Follow along with us as we build our new home. Our journey will begin on May 29, 2012 when we break ground. After many months of planning, countless hours of drawing, moving walls, adding windows, and removing doors, our plans are complete. We now invite you to watch as what once was a dream, finally becomes reality.