Saturday, July 28, 2012

The solar panels are installed

Jason Gideon installed the solar panels today. He had previously installed the aluminum frames into which the panels were secured. Our contractor continued the tedious job of caulking every exterior joint on both levels of our house, as required by the Energy Star rules.

The heating/plumbing soffit in the basement

The heat recovery system

Jason installing solar panels

The solar panel installation nearly complete

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's geothermal day!

Today, the field for the geothermal system was completed. The system consists of three separate loops filled with liquid. As the liquid moves through the loops, it assumes the temperature of the surrounding earth (around 56 degrees). This temperature will then be heated to a constant temperature summer and winter.

Sheetrock on the garage south wall

Placing the loops in the trench

The backhoe digging the trench

Connecting the geothermal lines into the basement

The three loop lines on the north side of the garage

The loop lines on the east side of the house

It's geothermal day!

Today was the long-awaited installation of the ground loops of our geothermal system. The three loops will provide fluid at a constant temperature of 56 degrees which will  then be raised to provide a constant temperature summer or winter.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Progress report

Today, the plumbers completed the basic installation and turned on the water to the house. The electricians are closer to finishing the electrical system. Finally, the PV (photovoltaic = solar) crew installed the aluminum frames which will house the solar panels.

The final sewer connection is finished

The aluminum frames on the south roof surface

The last connection to bring water into the house

The basement shower enclosure

Friday, July 20, 2012

A busy day

Today was a beehive of activity. The electricians continued working on the house wiring and the completed the wiring for the television and internet. This morning the plumbers installing water and drain pipes. Also, Jason and his crew began the installation of the solar panels for the PV system.

Jason Gideon on the roof preparing for the solar panels

The water tanks used in the geothermal system

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The roof is on!

The Dutch brothers roofing crew began installing the roof panels at about 5:00 AM in order to beat the heat of the day, and finished the job mid-morning.

The new roof-west view

The new roof - west view

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The roof has arrived!

Today the electricians neared completion of the house wiring, This afternoon the Dutch Brothers delivered the metal roofing. They will begin roofing the house early tomorrow morning.

The load of metal roofing arrives

Our new furnace

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The first insulation installed

The electricians, plumbers, and heating crews continue their work on the house. Today the insulation in the soffits, the first of several steps in the insulating of our home.

The insulation batts in the soffit space

A mass of wires wait to be hooked up to the breaker panel

Friday, July 13, 2012

Inside work

The electricians and the plumbers continued working on the electrical and heating systems. Also, the roofers constructed 2x4 cleats in preparation for roof installation next week.

The heating/cooling ductwork

The connections for the washer/dryer

The water heaters for the geothermal system

Roof cleats installed by the roofers

Thursday, July 12, 2012

More dirt today

More loads of black dirt (we are now up over seventy) were brought in to build up the area behind the house.  The electricians were busy wiring in the electrical boxes on both floors.

The north side is finished

The Bobcat working the black dirt

Note the size of the pile of black dirt

The wiring system on the main floor

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Black dirt today

The trucks brought in loads of black dirt today to provide a fertile base for our sod. The preparations are necessary before the geothermal system is installed.

Piles of black dirt on the north side of the house

Black dirt on the south side

The connector for the sewer system

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Another dirty day

Today, many more loads of dirt were brought in and was moved and shaped by a Bobcat. The work will continue tomorrow as the back slope becomes more gentle. While that was going on outside,  inside the electrician was positioning dozens of bright blue boxes for outlets and switches.

The Bobcat moving dirt

Easing the slope on the north side

Leveling the dirt behind the garage

The electricians' outlet boxes

The tub/shower in the second bath

Easing the slope on the south side

The bottom yard - southeast view

Truck dumping dirt on the north side

Dirt smoothed and leveled in front of the house

Monday, July 9, 2012

Plumbers at work

The plumbers began working on our plumbing system today. The pipes are raised  because of the difference between the city sewer system and our basement. We will have a lift pump to move waste from the basement into the city system. Also, this afternoon, about thirty truckloads of dirt  were delivered to build up the back areas of our lot, with more to come tomorrow.

The drain pipes for the island

The sewer pipes - west end

The sewer pipes - east end

The branch sewer lines

Another load of dirt is delivered

Yes folks it does rain in Handley Court!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Connecting our water and sewer

This morning the plumbing guys began the process of hooking up our water and sewer connections to the city  service. They began by digging a huge hole next to the foundation to access the basement, then connecting the service into the basement and the connections provided by the city.

The sewer connection into the house

The sewer connection from the house

The machines used to dig the holes

The water connection to the city service

Noelle, Daniel, Will, and Ben visit our house