Friday, September 28, 2012

The prelude for sod

Today, Bob's landscape crew finished the final smoothing and shaping of our new lawn. The plan is for the lansdscapers to begin laying sod on Monday.

The new bed on the south side if the porch

The new walkway by the basement door

New flower bed by the southeast corner

The new flower bed on the northeast corner

The rock wall border on the north side

The new walkway between the driveway and the deck

The new flower bed near the cul de sac

The new flower bed between the driveway and walkway

The new flower bed on the west side

Our new flowering crab

Our new mailbox post

Monday, September 24, 2012

Paint and cabinets

The house is finally taking its final shape. The driveway is dry now and will be ready for driving on early next week. The final painting is underway, the stair treads have been installed, together with the hand rail. The trim carpenters are almost finished, and the electricians will soon install the lights, fans and chandeliers. This week will see the finish grading, seeding, and laying of sod. The tentative finish date for construction is mid-October.

Trim work in the great room

Trim worker in the garage

Some of the dozens of plants going in around our house

Trim carpenter installing baseboards by the sewing room

Installing the stair treads

The dry bar cabinets and countertop in the basement

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Driveway and trim today

Every day we get closer to finishing the house and moving in. Today the concrete guys poured the driveway, sidewalk, and the pad outside the basement door. The trim crew continued to install window and door trim.

The newly poured concrete for the driveway

The newly poured walkway

The newly poured pad outside the basement door

The door trim looking toward the master bedroom

Door trim looking toward the master closet

The completed drive and sidewalk

Finishing the sidewalk

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

More progress today

`Today, the guys from Red Door installed our garage door. It really looks great. They still have to install the track supports and door opener before they are finished. Meanwhile, Bob and his crew the north side terraces. Rita and I have been have been planting bushes, trees, grasses, and flowers on thr new terraces.

Our new garage door  and gutters

The walkway between the driveway and the deck

The end of the walkway

The northside terraces

Another view of the terraces

Monday, September 10, 2012

We are making progress

We are moving closer to the end of construction, and the installation of those finishing features such as lights, wall plugs, switches, appliances and cabinets. We are almost finished with the retaining walls, and will soon have our garage door and driveway finished. We have started planting the bushes, grasses, and flowers in the new terraces.

The south side retaining walls are completed

The wall crew moving dirt by the basement door

The happy homeowner planting flowers and grasses

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Floors finished, walls going in


Today was an important milestone in the completion of our house. The wood floors were sanded, cleaned, and stained yesterday, and today were coated with urethane and left to dry overnight. Also today, construction was begun on the five retaining walls on the north and south sides of the house.

The finished floors - great room

Finished floors - looking east

The start of the top terrace - south side

View of the top terrace from the front

Close-up of the top terrace

Yours truly standing in front of the terrace

Rita sitting on our new deck