Friday, June 15, 2012

Floor joists and subfloor are completed

The morning began with the movement of the manufactured floor joists by crane to their place atop the basement walls. The next step was to arrange the joists in their proper places, and nail them to the perimeter walls and the interior walls in the basement. A number of joists were nailed in pairs with pieces of plywood on each side to provide additional stability . John then used a chainsaw to cut off the extra length in the cantilever side. Edge caps were then nailed on that edge. The final step of the day was to nail the plywood subfloor on top of the floor joists. This will essentially weatherproof the basement. Work on the upper floor will begin on Monday.

Placing the floor joists atop the basement walls

Doubling the floor joists to create beams

The crane moving a beam into place

The completed subfloor ( note the temporary guardrail around the stairwell opening)

A view up the future stairwell

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