Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wood in the basement!

This morning the framing crew began building the wooden walls for the basement. They first put one inch Dow blue-board around the perimeter of the concrete walls below grade. Then they began the individual wall panels, and then fitted them around the perimeter above grade until the entire basement was walled. The next step was to frame panels that went over the concrete walls. The final step was to construct panels for the interior of the basement. Tomorrow, the plan is to position the floor joists and lay the sub-floor.

Beginning work on the basement wall panels (note the stack of Dow blue-board)

Constructing basement wall panels

The very first basement wall panel

Positioning a south wall panel (this panel is very heavy)

Putting up the last exterior panel

Nailing in the last exterior panel

Framing the concrete walls

Beginning the interior wall framing

The interior wall framing nearly completed

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